Wednesday, March 5, 2014

CA Pride - Kathy Tarr

If I were a Pre-K student I would be pretty excited to be in Mrs. Tarr's classroom. You never know what is going to be in the counting box or what the project of the day will be. The students are also excited to have a turn to share "show and tell" items each week. All are fun ways to encourage and develop oral language, letter recognition, and number sense.

Kathy Tarr has been part of our Pre-K team since 2007. Her classroom is a colorful, inviting learning environment focusing on math and language arts skills. Along with a variety of learning centers, creative projects teach and reinforce the letter of the day, oral language, counting skills, and fine motor skill development. Pre- K students are building a strong foundation for kindergarten as well as developing important social skills in her classroom.

Look a little closer and you will see that Mrs. Tarr’s classroom is very well organized. Most importantly, it is planned to help students learn to organize themselves. From the way they "check in" to how they gather their project pieces and materials to the way they select learning centers and games, the classroom activities flow efficiently and effectively. Our young students are becoming independent and self-directed through Mrs. Tarr’s procedures in such a positive way. And the Pre-K’s are so proud to tell you that they know just what to do.

Mrs. Tarr is also the technology teacher for Pre-K. The Bears, Ducks and Fish have time with her in the lab weekly as well as having a computer center in her room. She uses a combination of software and online resources to provide technology experiences to reinforce letters, numbers, problem solving, and creativity. There are lots of smiles on computer lab day! Mrs. Tarr has the additional responsibility of supervising lunch with 4th and 5th grade students, but that is a story for a future blog!

I enjoy visiting Mrs. Tarr’s room when they are having circle time and especially on “show and tell” day. The children are so excited to bring in their special item and tell their classmates all about it. Students are learning to use statements and questions as they share. For those who do not feel comfortable speaking before a group, participation in “show and tell” and other class discussions really helps build confidence. For those who are uncomfortable speaking to the group, Mrs. Tarr is right by their side offering a word of encouragement and a big smile. Now that is what I call fostering a love of learning.

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